
The National Federation of Furniture Stores – Federmobili Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia represents over 15,000 furniture distribution companies present in Italy today, with around 18,000 points of sale.

Active in the area since 1967, the only national organization of distribution in the furniture sector, it is a member of Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia – and is a member of FENA – Fédération Européenne du Négoce de l’Ameublement.

Spokesperson of the interests of distribution, Federmobili promotes the development of the sector, helping to strengthen the associative spirit of the category and the exchange of relations between the various players in the supply chain. Its task is to protect its associates, understanding their needs, encouraging their collaboration, proposing effective solutions to problems of common interest. Federmobili operates in various areas of activity, carrying out concrete and wide-ranging projects for years both on the institutional front (trade representation and political-union relations), and through the promotion of a network of services with a strong innovative character and with high added value.

To carry out its business, Federmobili has built a flexible and integrated system, made up of various operating structures that gravitate around the Federation. While maintaining their own identity and autonomy, these are organized so as to interact with each other and work on closely related areas of activity, thus contributing to the realization of the common design.